Moving topics

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Full drag-and-drop operations are supported in MindVisualizer to help you arrange the layout of your visual map with ease. You can use drag and drop operation to do the following:

·     Change the parent of the selected topics.
1.   Select the topics you want to change.
2.   Point the mouse to any one of the selected topics.
3.   Hold down the left mouse button.
4.   Move to the target and a red rectangle will be shown to indicate where you can drop the dragging topic.
5.   Release the left mouse button.

·     Change the order of the selected topics.
1.   Select the topics you want to change.
2.   Point the mouse to any one of the selected topics.
3.   Hold down the left mouse button.
4.   Move to the target and a red line will appear to which indicates where you can move the dragging topic.
5.   Release the left mouse button.