Selecting topics

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Most topic operations are applied to the selected topics. When only a single topic is selected, we call that topic the focused topic or the current topic.

To select a single topic do any of the following:
·     Click on the topic you want.
·     Use keyboard navigation commands to change the current topic.

To select multiple topics, do any of the following:
·     Hold down <Ctrl> key while clicking on the topics you want.
·     Point the mouse cursor to any blank area, hold down the left button and draw a light blue box to include the topics you want. You can also hold down the <Ctrl> key to select another group of topics.
·     To select with keyboard, hold down <Shift> while pressing the arrow keys.

To select all topics in a map do any of the following:
·     Press <Ctrl + A>.
·     Select menu Edit > Select All.