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Like a hyperlink in web pages, a hyperlink in a visual mind map can point to any kind of resource.
This includes but is not limited to a web site address, an e-mail address, a disk file, an Office
document (Word, Excel, PowerPoint..), an Outlook item (e-mail, contact, appointment,
calendar..), a folder, and so on.
A topic can contain more than one hyperlink, and one of the links can be the default one which
will be opened when the user clicks the hyperlink icon inside the topic box.
· Adding hyperlink(s). You can do any of the following to attach a hyperlink to a topic:
· When a topic is selected:
· Click the Hyperlinks toolbar button.
· Select menu Topic > Add Hyperlink.
· Right click on any topic and select Add Hyperlink from the context menu.
· Right click on any topic and select Paste Special > Paste as Hyperlink from the context
menu, If you copied a web link or a file path in the clipboard.
· Add hyperlink(s) with a drag and drop operation:
· Drag one or more disk files from Windows Explorer.
· Drag one or more Outlook items from Outlook. These items can be e-mails, contacts,
appointments, events or an Outlook folder.
· Drag a URL (aka link) from your web browser such as IE, Mozilla Firefox, any
Internet web browser that can work as a drag source.
· To Show the hyperlink list for a topic. do any of the following:
· Right click on the hyperlink icon and select Show Hyperlinks from the context menu.
· Have one topic selected and then select menu Topic > Show Hyperlinks.
· Press <Ctrl + H>.
· Opening a hyperlink
· To open the default hyperlink of a topic, click the hyperlink icon which is displayed on the
right part of the topic.
· To open a hyperlink which is not default, follow these steps:
1. Show the hyperlink list.
2. Click the hyperlink you
want to open.
· Editing a hyperlink. To edit a hyperlink , follow these steps:
1. Show the hyperlink list.
2. Click the edit button
next to the hyperlink you want to edit.
· Deleting a hyperlink. To remove a hyperlink from a topic, follow these steps:
1. Show the hyperlink list first.
2. Click the delete button
next to the hyperlink you want to remove.