Manipulating attachments

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An attachment in a map is similar to a hyperlink to a disk file, except that the file is embedded.

·     Adding Attachment(s). You can do any of the following to inset an Attachment to a topic:
·     When a topic is selected:
·     Click the Attachments toolbar button.
·     Select menu Topic > Add Attachment.
·     Right click on any topic and select Add Attachment from the context menu.
·     Add Attachment(s) with drag and drop operation:
·     Drag one or more disk files from Windows Explorer. Make sure the file is not locked before dragging.
graphicWhen a topic contains Attachment(s), the an icon looked like this graphic will be shown on the right side, inside the topic frame.

·     To list all Attachments for a topic. do any of the following:
·     Right click on the Attachment icon and select Show Attachments from the context menu.
·     Have one topic selected and then select menu Topic > Show Attachments.
·     Press <Ctrl + J>.

·     Opening and editing an Attachment
1.   Show the Attachment list.
2.   Double click the attachment in the popup window or click the edit button graphic next to the Attachment you want to edit/open. The attachment will be opened with the associated software, e.g. a Word document will be opened in MS Word program.
3.   When an attachment is opened, MindVisualizer will track its' changes. When you close the opened document all changes made will be updated in the map.

·     Deleting an Attachment. To remove an Attachment from a topic, follow these steps:
1.   Show the Attachment list first.
2.   Click the delete button graphic next to the Attachment you want to remove.

·     Saving an Attachment to disk. To save an Attachment to disk from a topic, follow these steps:
3.   Show the Attachment list first.
4.   Select the attachment you want to export to disk.
5.   Click the Save As button.
6.   Browse to the target folder.
7.   Click Save button.