Searching In A Map

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MindVisualizer allows you to locate a specific topic by searching for a specified string in a Visual Map.

·     Invoking the search bar. To start searching, do any of the following to show the search bar:
·     Select menu Edit > Find.
·     Click the search button graphic on the upper-right of the map area.
·     Press <Ctrl + F>.

·     Search options.
·     Next. Locate the next topic which matches the search string and options.
Tip: Learn about the orders in a Visual Map in Basic Concepts.

·     Previous. Locate the previous topic which matches the search string and options.

·     Case Sensitive. Case sensitive when matching strings in the mind map.

·     Search Folded. Also search the hidden topics in the folded branches.

·     Search Notes. Also match the searching string in the Text Notes of the topics.